We are due to take our 18 month old baby (toddler) on holiday to Turkey later this month. As with most children of her age, she still has a bottle of milk to go to bed. We are concerned whether the Turkish cow's milk is suitable (of a drinkable standard)? Any Turks able to shed some light? lol Thanks
can you not take cartons of milk with you from here? UHT?
Ask the airline that you're going with.
can you take milk powder that you then make up over there? (not formula milk)
Could you buy milk from the supermarket & boil it - just to make sure it's sterile & then give it to the toddler when it's cooler?
Will you not be having tea/coffee there & see what it tastes like
I'm not a turk lol but I would do as jack daniels says and take your own milk with you for a child that age. If she was older than it wouldn't matter so much but really she is more of a baby.
I have used the milk in Spain before for my daughter probably from when she was around 2-3 but she didn't really like it, it has a different taste even with milkshake in it!
Hmm thanks for your answers. We spoke to the nurse who did the travel vaccines and she read that you can boil the milk. That's what we'll have to do I think. Hopefully it will be pasteurised anyway, if not she'll have to make do with other things!