i am 15 and want to leave school on january 27th 2009 i wanted to no if this is allowed?
ps i dont intend on leaving school and sitting on my ass claming benifitits i have been offered a full time aprenticship leading to a full time job as a head chef.
You will have to speak to the school. I know when I was in my last year the older age group (16) were allowed to leave after Easter I think then just go back to sit their GCSE's. As you are 15 not sure if you will be allowed but what will happen if you take no notice?
Hiya, my sister left school at 15 with special permission as she was joining a college course. Think this was cos her birthdays in novemeber so she would have legally had to go back and do half a year before she could leave. I'm sure prof53 is right but it my be worth speaking to a careers advisor at school. We were in Scotland and it was over 10 years ago so things might have changed. Good luck tho, seems mad to make someone stay on who doesnt want to and has a job to go to.