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Sounds that make you go 'awwwwwwwwwwww'

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haysi06 | 23:33 Wed 03rd Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
A wee toddlers laughLOL, it is so infectious and adorable, I love hearing her.

What sounds make you go 'awwwwwwwwwwww'



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A firm hand on a bare rump.
my little girl (12 weeks old) giggling away to herself at 7am when she's slept thru the night!!! best sound on earth - just wish she wasn't such a morning person!! cat lying in the wash-hand basin waiting for me to turn on the tap so he can have a drink.....awwwwwwwwwwww
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Technically 'ouch' perhaps Abdulmajid?

K8bailey, awwww you must be soo happy :) my friend became a grandmother earlier this week and brough lots of pics of her wee grandson to work today and we were all like mush! Its amazing what a teeny tiny baby can do to a group of women isn't it?

20SilkCut (hope you are trying to give them up btw they are bad for you! LOL), aww poor wee drowned kitty :(
HI Haysi...yea i know the old cigs are not good...but unfortunately i have a penchant for things which are bad for me :-O...and no the kitty dont even get wet...i turn the on the tap so it just trickles lol
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Hi 20SilkCut, I only have your good health in mind LOL, the wee kitty must be very cute :) awwwwwww

Right, thats me off now to my kip, enjoy the rest of your evening

Nite haysi - sweet dreams!
the sound of my gism splashing on a womans breasts

why hasn't the cat got water anyway?
The last bell of the day on a Friday. Well, I guess that's more like YAAAAAAAYYYAAAA! than AWWWWW!! :)
I find the sound of young kids giggling quite infectious... once they are over the age of about 8 or 9 they become a lot more *aware* - before that they just see life as one big laugh... and some of them have a brilliant sense of humour. My neighbour's little girl and I regularly call each other daft names - stuff like "chocolate chip chips" or "minty cheese" or "your bottom is too small to sit on".... lol
I love hearing my granddaughter laugh, and I love hearing the cats purr, specially when its a mega purr lol

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Sounds that make you go 'awwwwwwwwwwww'

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