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Does Emmerdale's Doug have crabs?

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Velvetee | 00:51 Fri 05th Sep 2008 | TV
7 Answers
Does Doug have crabs? Did he catch them from that scummy woman, Val brought back with her from her hols?


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Ha ha, yes he does have Crabs. How hilarious, I wouldn't have him back in the house if I was Laurel.
omg nor would i
Just when you think Emmerdale can't get any more ridiculous - it does!
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Actually, when I saw the episode where Doug had that one night stand, I did think they ought to have him contract a STI. Purely because, STIs are on the increase in people over 50.

Safer sex, seems to only be targeted towards younger people. Older people often don't consider there are any risks to unprotected sex in new relationships, especially if their previous relationship lasted for 30 plus years.
I agree with you on that, Velvetee.

What struck me as ridiculous though, is when one of the King brothers got shot the other night, and no-one raced to the phone to ring an ambulance. They just carried on with their bickering. He could have been bleeding to death - but it was like the shooting was just a secondary matter. Most unlikely, I would think.

Blimey, who'd live in Emmerdale eh? lol

(And yes, we know it's only pretend).
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I thought that was strange too and at the end, he just stood outside with his brothers, covered in blood
Then the next morning he was back at work, business as usual - lol.

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