I ve been seeing this guy for over 5 months. During all this time we never talked about what each of us do.I know its odd.Its a fist question you ask when you meet a person :"so what do you do?" we totally skipped that. I work in customer service and am shy to tell him that.He is( I guess) a manager in a big company..
What difference does it make? If you've been seeing each other for 5 months, do you think he will go off in a huff if you told him what you do? If he does, he's not worth bothering with. Be more confident, you never know, he may be a burglar!
I find it very strange that neither of you know what the other does for a living after 5 months :-/ Don't you ever talk about work? What other basic info don't you know about each other?
Why are you shy to tell him what you do? He obviously likes you and isn't bothered what you do otherwise he would have asked before now.
Hmm! Its odd. Next time you meet maybe you could ask him what time he works till, just to get on the subject.Or say about something that happened to you at work and take it from there.
I find this very odd ! Surely after 5 months you should know what each other does for a living ! Have you asked him how old he is yet and what his surname is ??
Next time you're giving him a bj, just as he's about (you know what), tell him what you do. Trust me, your job will instantly sound like the best job anyone anywhere ever had.
Actually, it is a good job. Why are you so coy about it?
you have guessed what he does, he probably has already guessed what you do!
obviously doesnt bother him as he still around, if it did bother him then he is shallow and you can do better!! x