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How on earth do I do this - Vista!!

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thewarnies | 12:42 Fri 05th Sep 2008 | Computers
5 Answers
My son has a Vista computer & I need to send him his c.c.
I have tried sending it with Microsoft Works Word and also Wordpad, but he's unable to open either.
Help! What can I do now - or what does he need to install in his Vista to receive my email.
Many thanks U clever people!


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What is cc?

Does he need to be able to view and print only, or view and edit?
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Hi Ethel-
Many thanks for your help. I meant to type cv - not cc!
I went on the site you recommnded, but it said converts works document to word format. However, I sent him his cv in wordpad, and he couldn't open that either. Do you have any other suggestions? I'm so lost here, as I don't know anything about Vista.
Could you try opening the cv in your Works Word, save it, and then he should be able to open it according to the instructions in the link
Or, if he doesn't need to edit it, scan it, and send the scanned image as an attachment (assuming you have a scanner).

Or, copy the text (edit, select all, copy) and paste into a new document.

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How on earth do I do this - Vista!!

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