Hi there, me and my husband are planning another baby, we both work, and i was wondering when i could return to work after the birth by law? i know it's 9 month maternity leave but can you go back earlier? i think we would struggle on a maternity benifit.
I think the minimum you can take is 2weeks by law; but it might depend on where you want to send your child. The nursery I will be using (my daughter starts when she is 6months) takes babies from 5weeks but most places I looked at took them from 3months. Obviously if you're leaving them with family or a childminder then that's different and I wouldn't have a clue re regs for childminders! Good luck though x
my husband works nights so he will look after the child during the day while im at work. is it really 2 weeks? that doesnt seem very long, i was expecting at least a couple of months.
Got this from a .gov website:
The law requires that an employee takes a minimum of two weeks� (four weeks for those who work in factories) maternity leave immediately following the birth
i would suggest you think very hard about your husband having to work a night shift and then cope with the baby all day aswell, im not trying to sound rude its just that my children are 5 and 2 n half, i now work 3 nights per week from 10pm until 8am then i come home and look after my son while my daughter is at school, the summer holidays have been tough as it has meant that i am only sleeping around 3-4 nights out of 7 and its not easy.
i know everyone is struggling at the moment financially but you would get alot of your childcare costs paid via tax credits if your new baby even went to a childdminder for the mornings so your husband could get a bit of rest.
you dont want to make yourself or you husband ill by putting too much on yourselves. i just about get through the day with no sleep and its purely for financial reasons aswell. i know that when we or if we (hopefully!) decide to have another baby in 2yrs time that i will definately not be able to cope with nights with a young child and will have to either cut down or give up all together.
look after yourselves and think through all the options
thanx for all your answers, naflharrison if you had read my question, you would have noticed i said another baby, we already have a 4 and half yr old, and my hubby copes fine. i only work part time and my shifts are only 7hrs long! xx