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pizza ?�

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legend_mark5 | 22:54 Fri 05th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Whats ur fave and why ?


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bolognese wi creme fraiche
cos its yummy
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sounds bawgin

Evenin boyo,

Stuffed my face with meat feast this afternoon with cheesy crust.


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how u doin doll ??

Feelin a bit down at the mo.

Had a cold for two weeks, think I'm just a bit down.

Plus full moon on way lol

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aw banjo

hope yore better

have you got a bad chest

I love loads of pepperoni on my pizza!!!
I'm not a big fan of pizza,as it's quite filling and very fattening!
Although,I must admit,I will eat a small chicken pizza....

I don't do small!!!!

I can easily eat a large one all to myself!!!
Question Author
wheres banjo with her bad chest

ive got a mega pot of VIX here

come to legggggggggyyyyyyyyyy

Hey ho ;)

mite have to trundle off to bed with me own pot of vicks

I ache all over

I'm ill

Bb xx
Awww,sorry to hear your not feeling well banjo.
Hope you feel better soon!
My brother is a GP,and I would think he would suggest a really good nights sleep and plenty of rest.
Night,night! Sleep tight.
Question Author
Or i could help you sweat it out ?�?�


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pizza ?�

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