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cazxx1 | 16:03 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
my bar that should be at the bottom of the computer is now at the side, how do i get it to go back cheers x


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Left click and hold on it. Then drag it to where you want it.
Question Author
if i left click it just brings it outwards
Left click and hold the button down.
Well, did it work?
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no, sorry i feel really silly
Question Author
the start bit is in the right hand corner at the top instead of down the bottom on the left and it is dragging outwards
Stick your cursor over the bar, press and hold the left mouse button down, move the bar to where you want it.

Now, did that work?

cazxx ...try putting your cursor just at the outside of it till u see a vertical line (I) with a ^ on each side of it and try dragging it then...
Question Author
no only moves it in and out
Question Author
Oh wonderful, iv done it sorry to be a pest, cheers both xxx
Are you blonde and beautiful and would you lke a curry?
Oh bum she's fixed it, bang goes the curry.
horray've done it....i just hate it when things aint where they are meant to can also go to START, and then click on control panel and go to Task Bar and click a little box which says something like 'lock task bar'....and hopefully it shouldnt move again. :-)
If all else fails, just smash the flippin' thing up ........

Oops, sorry, just talking out loud there ...... computers - don't they just drive you mad sometimes?

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dont i just know it lololololololol
Thank you - I was having the exact same problem and I've moved my bar too :D
Question Author
so we have both learnt something today..... best forum in the world (unless you lot know better ) xx
I do know better and the turkey dibbler forum is vastly superior
I've never heard of a turkey dibbler. Wouldn't be turkey twizzler would it?

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