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full english breakfast!!

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rugeleyboy | 22:40 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
when was the last time you indulged in one of these??

we are all to healthy nowadays me thinks!!


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Not everybody, on Saturdays I have my once a week unhealthy eating treat which is a full breakfast, bacon, sausage, beans, fried eggs, the full monty. I think the fact I'm only allowed to indulge once a week makes it more enjoyable
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thats made me hungry!
At the airport before flying to New York as a start of holiday treat, it was only a little one though.

Found the breakfasts in NY scary, in fact the food in general. I have no idea who can eat that much food let alone on a regular basis.
Jenna, i found the bacon and the sausages in NY really horrid....dont tast like they do back home. But the burgers in NY...yum yum...and massive!!! Class
we call it a fry-up in Scotland, I love it but cant be bothered cooking it often
its also made me hungry now
Yeah the bacon is very dry and a bit overcooked there and the sausages are funny.

I stuck to healthier eggs which I were really really nice even if you do get a mountain of eggs then half a plate of potatoes and toast on top!!!

I tried a burger from Wendys which I wasn't too impressed with though had the nicest meal in Little Italy, love fresh pasta, sauce, garlic and herbs.

My friend loved the burgers and the pancakes and waffles for breakfast. We found a great diner and went there every day for breakfast.

I tried a bit of them and they were very nice but could not eatm especially with the portions, a plate of pancakes or waffles with maple syrup, ice cream and cream first thing.

I love the deli's too with all the lovely fresh meat and salads and such.
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I used to have a fry up 3-4 days a week

Too bloody expensive so I take sandwiches to work now

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full english breakfast!!

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