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how spooky

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4getmenot | 11:22 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I dont know whether many of you remember but my mate had to abort a baby due to edwards syndrome last year. Well I went to hers Friday and she told me the news she's pregnant again and its due same date as her little girl was meant to be. I'm just so happy for her


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Aww bless her , I wish all the very best for her in this pregnancy , and due the same date . xxxxxx
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she's had some problems and its worrying her a bit due to last time but fingers crossed alls ok
Is she spooked herself by the same due date? I know I would be!
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yes it is a bit weird for her as this time last year she told everyone at a body shop party she was hosting and she has one of those Thursday :-)
i hope that those are the only similarities for her this time around.

I hope her angel daughter has sent her happiness
She is understandably going to be more worried and very delicate this time round due to her sad loss with her last baby .
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aw redcrx thanks
Well the same sort of thing happened to my daughter, she had a miscarriage, she was devarstated, then she got pregnant again, and she gave birth to her daughter on the same day her last baby was due, we found that weird,
Hope everything goes well for your friend, I'm sure it will.

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