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4getmenot | 15:46 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I was speaking to an old friend who's just come out of prison and he was telling me all the qualifications he's got and courses he passed while in there. Amazing how some people cant afford these courses normally yet when they get put away they pay for them all.


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well as long as they are of use to him and enable him to get a job etc then fair enough.

If they are of no use to him then its a complete waste of money.

But the goverernment has to at least try and help them get back to normality
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Well I hope they are and he doesnt re-offend because before all the drugs he was really nice. He came running straight up to me gave me kiss on cheek Saturday and apologised for hitting me about 8 yrs ago. It was a fight that broke out I got involved and he accidently hit me throwing me into disco speakers and before I could say he hadnt done it on purpose he was chased outside and beaten up. I said to him it was well in past and how it wasnt even his fault but he said he had alot of thinking to do while inside.
If his qualifications are in chemistry, he'll be able to make his own drugs now.
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ha ha no. Just usual building work
is he likely to be cheaper than our builder??? :)
Hi 4get, hope you are well, I think that is brilliant, at least he now has another chance to "fit in" and the good thing is that in the building trade he won't be judged on his past, just on how good he is at doing his work, hope all goes well for him, take care xx Ray
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It was quite nice to know people wernt judging him, I asked him how his receotion had been and he said not as bad as he thought. before he was put away he lived with his nan and he feels so guilty for letting her down and wants to make it up to her, I so hope he can but I know most that have been on druigs and come back here get dragged back into it by knowing the same old people.
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and no redcrx. lol

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