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Has anyone seen Logic lately????

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funnygirl | 11:10 Tue 09th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I have not seen him from last week!!

He must be in the dog house for not doing any housework!!!!


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morning funny

thought he was on weekend, but you were not here.

how are you?
Question Author
Hey Mirela,

I'm good.

How was the camping?? I was thinking of you in the pouring rain, bobbing around on your sleeping bag in a pool of water!!!!! Lol.
He was about last night funny, I'm sure I saw him :)
he was on a few of my threads yesterday /last night.
maybe hes just avoiding you ??�

how evil you are!!!

i didnt go in the end tho, we went to cinema stuff ....

hows work today? i got a job for a friend in my workplace, hohohoho, one more friend move to leeds :)

Question Author
I'm busy busy and have been told literally to knuckle down!!
Lol, yeah like that is gonna happen!!!

So you chickened out of the camping, can't say I blame you.
It is not my favourite way to spend a weekend!!!

And Legend I am sure Logic is not avoiding me!!
Is he????!!!!
lol @ legend, truth is hurting !! dont

logic must be busy in housework, ahh, i wish i found a man like him!!!

raining raining raining here... hows london?
Well funny hes been about .So you explain it ?

C Y H ?

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Has anyone seen Logic lately????

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