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peugeot 406 diesel cam belt

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pal | 19:46 Tue 22nd Feb 2005 | Motoring
5 Answers
why did my cam belt break/shred less than 1000 miles after having a new one fitted?


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Who fitted the cambelt?

The cambelt could have been damaged or something on the engine could have been touching the belt (e.g. cover) and damaged it enough to break.

Additionally the belt could have been put on with the incorrect tension - either too tight or too loose would cause damage to the belt.

Question Author
my local garage fitted the cam belt . he said he was very experienced at it. it has snaped the cam shaft in three places and he says it needs a new engine. he denies being responsible and says it was a bearing (which bearing i dont know yet). i thought it could be the tensioning especially as it only did about 700 miles and then shreaded.
Sounds like the belt was tightened too much causing bearing wear.  I would challenge this, it should be their responsibility.
Question Author
many thanks for your help now begins the uphill struggle of getting them to accept responsibility.

Agree with kebabmeister - the garage certainly have some liability. Are you a member of a motoring organisation ? If so, get in touch as they should have a legal department for advice about such matters. Failing that try the CAB or your local Trading Standards (part of local Council) for advice.

Good luck !

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peugeot 406 diesel cam belt

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