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legend_mark5 | 11:52 Tue 09th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Did i see it correctly earlier when they were talking about the nhs ?If i remember rightly they said that in 5 years the cost of cancer drugs alone , yes alone , would double the cost of the nhs entirely !! If that's true what are the implications for cancer sufferers?


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Question Author -NHS-Facing-Meltdown-Because-Of-Cost-Of-Treatm ent-Top-Doctor-Karol-Sikora-Warns/Article/2008 09115094476?lpos=Health_3&lid=ARTICLE_15094476 _Cancer%253A%2BNHS%2BFacing%2BMeltdown%2BBecau se%2BOf%2BCost%2BOf%2BTreatment%252C%2BTop%2BD octor%2BKarol%2BSikora%2BWarns

Sorry in 4 years cancer drugs /treatment will cost the nhs 50 billion a year .
So will they have to stop treating people?Add to that 50 billion the increase in treatment costs for other illnesses and the nhs could collapse .
como estas amig00
borracho hic
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Hello thom.

How are you ?
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�muy bien marakita , et tu ?

Esta su esposa cachonda por hombre e grande pollo ?

No intedo.
ur spanish is shockingly cr@p for a person who lives in tenerife.....mierda amigo.

no intedO>>??? its intiendo

im not married so my wife is n00t horny lol and doesnt like big chickens

More to the point why are they spending millions on research, charities raising millions for research in to effective drugs and then say they can't give them to people are to expensive. If they are going to let people die for lack of drugs then why bother finding the drugs in the first place if you see what I mean.
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Lol my spanish isnt rom babel fish , its canarian.and if you dont have a pollo then your wiofe is deprived


mr bobbit
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I think the facyt is the nhs was started when you saved folk from flu or pneumonia .now we are saving premature babies cancer patients folk with leukemia , but the nhs needs a major boost to fund this.without the boost they will neeed to let folk die

its a simple fact
que mierda hables amigo. canarian? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha digas la verdad que tu no puedes hablar espanol porque non vives in espana. yo soy medio espanol medio ingles. es claro que to non vives in tenerife
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Whats clear to me is you appear to think youre clever .
And you are also a bit of a stirrer .
Strange posts from you .

If you are going to be insulting to legend.....could we all hear about it....or are you just a chicken?
If I had cancer and was told a certain drug was really expensive but might prolong my life by a couple of months I would refuse that particular drug.If it would mean adding years to my life than I would take it but all these ones on the news are just short term things from what I have seen and read.
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Danny sir likesmen , a Green user name , only around about a week or 10 days .And sets out to try and cause arguments when there are none , whilst complaining about the site being different?
I can only assume he would like more arguments.He already given himself away so now its common knowledge.

D T H ?�?�

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