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PatriciaH | 16:17 Thu 11th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
If i get something from america will i pay tax on it ?


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If the value is over �18 and the customs check it you will!
Duty, VAT and the carriers fees, if over �18 as already stated.
Question Author
so if the total (item and postage ) comes to �19.98 that i wont have to pay ? item �8.55 + postage 11.43 = 19.98 am i right ? : !
Yes. The price of the goods has to be �18.00 or less.
Usually, you are charged 17.5% VAT on the price of the goods, plus the handlers fee, which is, in the case of Royal Mail, �8.00
You are right
to clarify the above point, you only pay VAT when the price of the goods are �18.00 or more, so you will be OK with your item.
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Thanks all xx

"YA KNOW YER STUFF " dont you : )
-- answer removed --
On my internet purchases from outside the EU, around 30% slip through the customs' net, so I pay on 70%
Of course, there are items you can import from outside the EU that attract no import duty and are zero rated for VAT.

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