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squeak squeak ... uuurrrgh

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joggerjayne | 19:06 Fri 12th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
... can you help me get this out ...

hands bottle over

... squeeeeeeeeak P O P !!!!!!

Okay okay, this isn't my first one today. I had a meeting at lunchtime and we had a drop or two. Just getting changed, then I'm going back out, but I didn't want to miss this thread today.

x x x


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Okay knobbs ... I won't.

Hiya JJ......guess I haven�t beat you...had my first out on the seafront at 2pm today...nahnahnaaaaah!!
And there is more to follow...haha!!!
Is it really your birthday,JJ???...have SUPER one girl!!! xx
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Cheers, knobbs.

Cheers pasta. Don't get sunburned !! I'm planning to have a jolly evening.

Aww, WhiteBear, what a fab cake. Thank you.
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I ... won't.

Or ... ... ... I might?

Okay, no, I definitely won't.
have a good night xxx (but be sensible, yeah I know but I'm getting older lol)
Just remember JJ if you pull to night be gentle with the poor sod

squeak pop :-)~

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squeak squeak ... uuurrrgh

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