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Is it that difficult?

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EngTeach | 17:14 Sun 14th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I was looking at some Q's on Travel and never realised it was that hard for a UK citizen to emmigrate here legally. Would it be equally as difficult for a US citizen to move legally there and be able to work?

Between all the leagl and illegal immigrants here in the US and from some posts on AB I assume the same is true there, I never knew it was so difficult.


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Thank god is is difficult, otherwise we would be bombarded with illegals, i know there is going to be comments on this????
Nae probs Teach,
We let anyone in, even Yanks
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you gotta be joking, were almost paying foriegners to come here, the U K doesn't belong to the british any more,
we are kow being converted to islam,

God help our grandchildrens children.
thought you were in Devonland Knobbs.
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englishteach you will be all right for a job no matter where you are then !!!!!!!
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Thanks for your answers. Who has a room to rent?? LOL

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Is it that difficult?

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