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LewPaper | 07:49 Mon 15th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I once was a college lecturer and on one occasion I lost the card part of my driving licence. I had to have lost it in the college somewhere because I remember it being there at lunchtime when I needed it for some id.
At the end of the day a student came up to me with it but he was in a hurry so I wasn't able to thank him properly. But the strange thing was . . . in a college of that size how did he know it was mine? Spooky.


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Surely it had your name on it didn't it? Although there are hundreds of students, there are far fewer lecturers so he would have easily found you by asking someone, I presume. Good to get it back though.
I was going to ask about the name on it.

I've lost a few things recently and, although people may think I'm mad, I ask the archangels to help me find it and inevitably they turn up in places where I've looked which have already been searches thoroughly.

Had a wierd on in New York, had a panic the first night when I couldn't find my house keys, searched the room with ex making disparaging comments and checked with the hotel concierge and the restaurant we'd been in that night.

Finally decided I wasn't going to let it get to me on holiday as ex had another set of keys.

Next day we went through security at the Empire State Building. Like at airports, you put your stuff in a tray which goes through screening. Mine came out and then the exes and my keys were there sat on top of my exes stuff!!

Beggar must have shoved them in his pocket by mistake!

Is this an exam question:)
the name and the fact you probably look like the doc in back to the future as opposed to all the young folk there you silly old duffer .

did that help ??
Question Author
Oh dear!

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