i understand where you are coming from i was the same with my little girl.
i didnt want anyone having her except me! i didnt wanna go back to work!
But when she started nursery she loved it and by the time she was 3 she was writing her own name and so much more advanced then other kids that dont experience any kind of childcare.
All i wanted to do was wrap her up away from the world but kids need to socialise with other kids.
They learn so much from each other, obviously depends on the childs age, my daughter was 2 when she started which is a good age, any younger i would have been worried but they take to new surrounding so well from an early age.
Maybe just do 1-2 days a week in childcare and the rest with your mum?
If money isnt an issue i would make appointments with your local nuserys, you may be suprised at what you find,
it will do your child the world of good.
i used to struggle to feed my little girl she was so picky!! i used to dread meals times, when she started nursery and was sitting round the table with other kids she has no problem eating and even trying new foods.
:o) xxxx