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Fao Legnob ..

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theonlyone | 23:36 Wed 17th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Ok what's your problem with me ??
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One of my grandma's used to use Palmolive soap as well knobby! Oh...didn't you mean that?? : (

Go on then - show us your silver machine!
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Dear oh dear ...sad bloke ...
what has upset you ??
Not me ..
Goodnight ..
im laughin at lonelyone

enjoy youre madeup holiday


now beat it skank
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hey Leggy - as a side note - did you enjoy your pizza?
we went out instead .
went to a bar run by a guy from ecuador

very good food and good company with the two pastays with me .
had a good laugh then home to bed for my beauty sleep.
Lol!! I understand you have a seriously good drinking partner or two!!! Glad you've been enjoying yourselves. x

Well stop being mean knobby! I asked you once before, but you ignored me! : (
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Talking of vermin - - -welcome newsdick!
Yes john lambrini the deviant is back

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Thats not gravy knoibbs lol

heres the deviant newsd�ck 758/DEVIANT.jpg
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john lambrini thinks its gravy


but i knows it aint gravy lolololo

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