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Help!!! Rain Dance wanted for Downunder.

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MsEVP | 12:10 Fri 19th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Life is dire right now, and has been for over a year, for my daughter living 300 miles away from Melbourne! No-one seems to CARE about them, especially their Prime (Dick-head) Minister (her words). People walk around with buckets looking for water. All animals either died or got sold off. She gets drinking water only delivered by truck. She`s seen fires in the distance where farms are going up in smoke. It`s like a horror movie. Partner now lives away to get some work. Feeling so helpless maybe magic will help. What say you?


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I'll do a rain dance for your daughter, if you can do something to help us Brits who have been flooded out of our homes.

Our PM doesn't seem to care either.
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Ah Ethel, no-one ever said that Life should be fair, did they. I suppose one day in the future rain will be a commodity that can be bought and moved where it`s wanted.

But, I hope YOU were not talking personally about being flooded out! That must be dreadful.

Have a nice holiday soon.
I will do my rain dance this evening and pray for rain for them.
In my garden, on the stroke of midnight, wearing only smile and my fave perfume, holding a pork chop and waving it at the moon and chanting an old red indian charm that only I and a handful of others know the true meaning of.

Hope this helps their dilemma. Let me know if they have rain tomorrow and I will hire myself out to other drought ridden countries.

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No, sorry, Ethel, it`s Mrs Chappie for the holiday!
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Daniela, many a true word spoken in jest (or not as the case may be)

I shall hold that picture of you at midnight in my eye! Will be in touch first thing tomorrow!!

God bless you, and anyone else with good thoughts and intentions,

Tina x
No, I haven't been flooded out, but my friends have been over the past few years - they live near Bewdley on the Severn. :(

It's puzzling because they've lived in the same house for over 30 years and were never any near getting flooded until recently.

Ethel, I think the problem with the River Severn is that there have been flood defences built in Bewdley, which they used for the first time recently. If the water cannot get past these defences, then there is going to be more water arriving further down river. More places are going to get the excess water than had previously been flooding Bewdley.
It is the same on The Wye in Herefordshire.
I feel sorry for your daughter MsEVP as I've been to see my friend in Adelaide this summer and they were crying out for rain too! The whole time I was there it rained and everyone was thanking me for bringing them the English weather, but then when I got home thoroughly fed up, was told off for bring the rain back here! Can't win!
By the way, Ethel is going on holiday - to a wedding in the Reef
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Ah, thanks Pips for the holiday bit. I wonder, could you also go and visit my daughter since you seem to be a rain magnet. That is, of course, if Daniela`s dance doesn`t do the trick and I`ve got great hopes for that. Even if she has to call it off (on account of rain, say) then maybe just the VISION of her in my head twirling around will do the trick. Ooh, I`d better stop now, I`m getting dizzy........
I'm quite looking forward to doing my rain dance tonight, and I am getting myself psyched up already.

Been to Tescos and got the biggest pork chop I could find.

It's a good job my garden is enclosed otherwise my neighbour could be calling in the white coat brigade.....

Ha Ha MsEVP, little rain magnet I am, but I honestly couldn't undertake that journey again - 2 days to get there and then all that rain, and cold too! Plus it was dark at 5 as it's their winter - some holiday! Better rely on the rain dance by Daniela I think, lol
No offence MsEVP but can I ask why you believe no rain is the PM's fault?
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Daniela, I`m really afraid to ask about the pork choppie! Did you know that my daughter kept pigs as well as cows and stuff? If you don`t answer then I`ll know it`s part of the magic. Maybe I shouldn`t ask what`s your perfume name, also?
I think we`re in the same country (Wales) so there`s a good tie there. You realize that if this works, don`t you, you`ll be inundated- and I don`t mean with rain!
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No Another, I didn`t say that`s what I believe, of course. But my daughter was saying that their PM doesn`t do anything to help them in any way.
I didn't know about the

I must be picking up the *vibes* already see?

And the perfume is called 'So!'

I'm getting

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I know, call me what names you like, but I take leave of you now to watch Hamish MacBeth. He has a new doggie `cos Jock died yesterday!
I don't understand what he is expected to do though, the poor guy can't make it rain.

You have no rain and we in the UK have too much. Do people still believe that global warming is a myth?

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Help!!! Rain Dance wanted for Downunder.

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