I just caught the end of Emmerdale as Charity was leaving and the song they played is haunting me. I am sure it is from a current album of a group that has been around for a while. I heard it on the radio a few days ago. It is sung by a girl who has a truly amazing voice.
Any ideas?
I have also placed this in Film and TV because of the Emmerdale link. I would appreciate it if it could stay on until I get the right answer. Thanks ed.
The song playing at the end was c***ed "Song Bird" performed by Eva Cassidy and wriiten by Fleetwood Mac........Its quite old but you can still get the album also called Songbird.
The song playing at the end was c***ed "Song Bird" performed by Eva Cassidy and wriiten by Fleetwood Mac........Its quite old but you can still get the album also c***ed Songbird.
The song playing at the end was called "Song Bird" performed by Eva Cassidy and wriiten by Fleetwood Mac........Its quite old but you can still get the album also called Songbird.
Thanks Groberts. I will certainly remember that now I have read the three replies. Goodness knows where the *** came from, unless 'all' is a swear word.