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San Francisco to Portland, Oregon...anyone done it?

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10ClarionSt | 20:36 Tue 02nd Sep 2008 | Travel
7 Answers
Does anyone know the distance between San Francisco and Portland, Oregon? We were thinking of driving once we get there. Would it need any overnight stops?


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Getting directions from google earth it says it would take 10 hours, so yes, I would guess it would need an overnight stop as you are bound to want other stops during the day (to eat and for 'comfort' breaks), so the whole journey would take longer than 10 hours.
Sorry - forgot to add that the distance is 635 miles.
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awww, come on Clarion, America has an awful lot more room than Britain! But it is wonderful driving there, I've done it often. They're all such courteous drivers too, not at all like Starsky and Hutch (as foreigners sometimes expect).
Why not catch the train? The Coastal Starlight is supposed to be the most scenic railway in US.
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Just back from a trip on the Coastal Starlight. This cost us $73 each from Portland to San Francisco. Seats were pretty spacious with lots of leg room and food & drink on the train wasn't outrageously expensive.

However - I would not call that part of the route scenic apart from where we went through the mountains as it was getting dark and we couldn't see the view. So I would probably not do it again.

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San Francisco to Portland, Oregon...anyone done it?

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