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hair disaster!!

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milly1984 | 16:43 Wed 02nd Mar 2005 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Please can anyone help, I had my hair cut to chin length with layers and I hate it!! Is there any possible way I can help my hair grow faster without getting hair extensions? I am going on holiday in September and I really wanted it about 4 inches longer than it is now by then. Do any supplements work or special shampoos?


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I'm not sure sure how much difference it makes but Kelp tablets from somewhere like Holland and barret are suppsoed to promote hair and nail growth. If its any consolation i once did exactly the same to my hair and I cried the whole day after it was cut! : ) It will grow back...
Yes, Kelp tablets are really good.  They will definately promote hair growth.
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Really? Thanks! I have seen some on the net that are 'Kelp Extract' tablets, are they the same thing?
It will have grown about 2 or 3 inches by september so that's a start! I read that if you brush your scalp regularly it stimulates the blood flow and promotes hair growth.  Dont know whether it's true though! On the other hand, it makes your hair more greasy...
milly - I have to say that since starting Omega 3 Fish Oils, my hair has been in brilliant condition & has grown at an alarming rate! Even my hairdresser noticed this when I had it trimmed this morning - into a shoulder length, long layered bob I might add! Good luck & enjoy your holiday. 
i heard that massaging your scalp helps hair growth

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hair disaster!!

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