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Evertons banner..

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Sachs | 00:34 Sat 27th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Just a reminder! Everton posted a couple of weeks ago, he will be at the Everton v Liverpool derby match & to watch as he's made a banner? I'm sure he said the 28.9.
Having just checked the fixtures, it seems to be being played tomorrow & will be televised on Sky sports 1 - kick off 12.45!


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yeah its on tomorrw afternoon!!

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Thanks whitebear! xxx
If he is like his bus service he will turn up at 4pm
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He's a bus driver?
He has said he is and if he turns up at 4pm it will prove it
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There again he may go straight past goodison and end up at anfield. They don't always stop
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Have you any clue what he's put on this banner herc?
No, not seen him on here since the new editor had a clean out. remember the post about him trying to run someone over in his bus
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No? lol!
I laughed at that.... maybe he has been banned then...

Hope the banner says..'Hello Abers!

any more suggestions?

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That's what I was thinking daniela!
Computer may be down as i never read any post by him that was offensive to anybody and he never used any bad language
I might put the match on my sky+ and tape it, then I can play it back and look out for the banner....

I will let you know on Monday if I have seen anything.

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I'll be doing the same daniela.
i thought he was in China on Holiday? unless hes back!! cmon Liverpool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Urgh, my ex is an Everton fan so I want the Reds to win today, although it pains me to say it :)
dont worrie Hellie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Liverpool are two nil up :)

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Hi whitebear, yes he was going away but would be back for the match.

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Evertons banner..

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