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the freak | 20:25 Thu 03rd Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
3 Answers
Could someone please tell me the chapter or UK page number in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Harry is in his dormitory at night and he looks out the window cause he can't sleep and sees Crookshanks and the Grim on the lawn and gets all panicky? I really need it and can't seem to find it.


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Can't give you a page number, it depends what edition you have, but it's chapter 15 - The Quidditch Final; it happens on the morning of the match, before the game begins. Hope that helps.

I could give you a page number I s'pose.

Page 223, section begins under the asterisk.

Only helpful if you have the Bloomsbury Hardcover 1999 first edition.

Its also page 223 in my paperback version.

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