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jamie oliver on channel 4

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legend.isgod | 21:39 Tue 30th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
watching this and cant believe how dense some folk are in rotherham.

are people really as stupid as theis and they seem like real skanky scum.

anyone out there from rotherham and are you better or trashier than those trailer trash?

they can teven turn on the gas ring .

what does boiling water look like ffs !!!!!!!


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cant make out what they're saying
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Cant believe some folk reallly really cant boil a fkin egg
is cleaning your nose on your wrist a local custom?
I'm recording it so not had chance to watch it yet but I don't live far from Rotherham, about 20 mins away!

But yes a lot of them are stupid and really know how to give us Yorkshire people a bad name - I think they just go and find the thickest people possible to interview or film!!!
they have found some real gems -miss s
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Seems yorkshire is code for trashY and trampy?�?�

D T H ?�?
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im sure that one of them actually had 2 thumbs , but one on each hand !!!!!

and some of them must have been inbreeding to look like that?

the only way you can spot the men from the women is the earrings and the different tattoos

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jamie oliver on channel 4

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