Reporting Answers in The AnswerBank: Site Suggestions
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Reporting Answers

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THECORBYLOON | 21:22 Tue 30th Sep 2008 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
"This function was around before my time, but as was previously mentioned the report system in its old form had many flaws which could be exploited to get questions removed.

Undoubtedly there needs to be change when it comes to reporting and banning, hopefully this will come about when we get the website changes, but for now the function won't be coming back. Sorry."
The new AB Editor

Now, unless ma eyes deceive me, is there not a "Report This Question" option? Are the categories for reporting a question not the same as those for the now defunct "Report This Answer?"

Why can we report a question but not an answer?

Am I missing something here?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Puzzled me too TCL! Ours is not to reason why...............
To my understanding the report answer function could be exploited very easily. People could essentially 'gang-up' on someone who was answering and get their posts removed. The function didn't just notify us at AB HQ, it also ran on a "3-strikes" system, as soon as 3 people reported a post it would be removed, thusly it was open to abuse.

I must state clearly that reporting systems were before my time, I know nothing about them and I don't have a techie sitting near me who I can consult on things of that nature.

There will be better options for reporting answers/questions when we re-design, but for now nothing is going to change.

I do take your suggestions on-board, but there is nothing I can do until we start heading into deeper stages of development.
indeed, the people who ganged up on someone could easily be the same person under different user names.

But reporting systems aren't before your time, Mr Ed - as TCL points out, it's possible to report a question this very minute. (Unless you're a greenie, in which case it'll be a week or two before you can do it yourself.) This being the case, isn't it possible to import the 'Report this question' function into a 'Report this answer' procedure?
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"The function didn't just notify us at AB HQ, it also ran on a "3-strikes" system, as soon as 3 people reported a post it would be removed, thusly it was open to abuse."

You know nothing about the reporting function, yet you know about the three-strikes and it was open to abuse???.

"I must state clearly that reporting systems were before my time, I know nothing about them and I don't have a techie sitting near me who I can consult on things of that nature"

If they are not within the same office, do you not have access to a 'phone? Can you not e-mail them?

As for "there is nothing I can do until we start heading into deeper stages of development". whereabouts on yir list of priorities is the option to report answers?

if i wanted an answer to be removed due to being offensive etc.. i normally email Ed to remove that particular answer, and it does get removed!
Question Author
What happens when you e-mail the AB Editor outwith office hours?

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