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Heavy pies

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peggys-dad | 16:48 Thu 02nd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
If you want to know how heavy a pie is, simply take it over a rainbow to find out. Once again the clue's in the song:

♫♫Somewhere over a rainbow
weigh a pie♫♫



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oh dear this song thing is getting worse
are you on drugs?
i will have a gram of whatever you are on
-- answer removed --
That is bizarre.
Dedication salla! hmmm! lol!
i thought the drifters sang:
"you're more than a number in my limerick book"!
i remember my oldest child being a big blue fan the boy band... she askes if i could buy the bread song for her they sang... it went something like one love for the mothers pride.. kids hey..
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I thoughtthat there was a racist song with a swear word in it years asgo, it sounded like

♫♫Play that fu**in' music white boy♫♫

then I realised it was:
Whats that Micheal Jackson one, something about Keep on to the post office.
when ozzie and kelly did that duet, my then 3 year old sang "We're going to sainburys"!

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Heavy pies

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