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I don't believe it (Part 2)

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peggys-dad | 19:47 Thu 02nd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Just got an email from an old pal I last saw 21 years ago. He got my email addy from a mutual friend in New Zealand.

How good is that?


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Hmmm, what did the email say though?
Did it say he had $600 million US dollars and he just needs your account details and maiden name so he can put it in your account?
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Lol, no, he reminded me that I introduced him to his future wife.
That has happened a few times to me in the last couple of years, it is really good when it happens.
Years ago, i saw the nephew of an old friend of mine i hadn't seen for 25 years. I wrote my mob. no. on the back of an old sign i put up in my properties to stop unwanted guests entering hoping he would pass it on to Jules.
Months later he had lost this piece of paper with my no. but he walked past on of my properties and saw the sign, he remembered it and waited for a resident to turn up. I was shocked when i met up with him later that day.
hi peggys-dad, It is well good ! lol
Will you be meeting up at some point do you think?

ive been in touch with a few old friends via facebook just lately, one in particular who is very very special to me, we met up the other day after 10 years and it was fantastic.

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I don't believe it (Part 2)

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