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anyone know the correct time please ?

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funkymoped | 17:02 Fri 03rd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
fortunately, there aint a copper around !


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The Waste Land, by T.S.Eliot
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i used to jog.
there were times id have to sprint. (coppers dogs are pretty nippy)
My watch says 1713. So, allowing for the speed of AB's server, it should be about midnight when you read this ;-)
I used to jog too.

I gave it up yesterday.

I think I'll take it up again tomorrow.
Morning guys. Happy Saturday.

Just reading Buenchico's midnight post.

"Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiiiiin ... "
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im the same with fags and chocolate.

id give up both but im not a quitter.
I'm always giving up chocolate.
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Buenchico, youre funnier than a funny thing. :-)

Jayne, there is nothing better than a quitter that quits quitting on a regular basis.
You're right, funky.

I'll quit quitting.

had my hands all over some filthy poles yesterday! ( i was making a trampoline up )
how the hell did that happen ???? :-/ I was on your other question funky ! It could only happen to me !
God you just could not make it up on here could you.
I could and regularly do

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anyone know the correct time please ?

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