I have not just got friends in my real life I have also got friends in cyber life as well I suppose I have never thought of it that way before. It is sort of strange when you think about it how you can come to like a pixel on here.
Also it is strange as well as I have no one in real life that does not like me but a few on here do not seem to but hey that is there loss.
I have met a few pixels on here in real life and they are just as they act on here legend was a fkin laugh and I have met aprils and she is lovely and we bonded together but I dont think her sister really liked me that much I suppose it was because aprils sort of knew what I was like from here and she was prepaired and her sister was not quite ready for the shock of me.
So I am now going to ask the sensible question that I said I was going to do earlier on.
What have you had for dinner.
And please please dont go of at a tangent within 6 posts.
Well ok I take that back cause driss gave me odds of 10-1 earlier on that you could stay on the same subject for more than 6 posts and I had a fiver each way on that