Why do these under-lines appear under all the posted questions? It's a very strange site tonight with all these lines. It might make my eyes go all cross-eyed!! *0* Is there a gremlin in the works or what? Hmmm!!!
Ooo , that's a nice offer imhotep , if you were offering of -course ...lol I got my headache from raised blood pressure with struggling to breathe . I'm hoping for a better night tonight and will be heading off to bed soon , just wanted to make sure I said hi to you though , I don't always get chance to :-) xxx
Awww,I hope you are able to sleep well bigmamma.
Get better soon!
Night hun!xxx
A good night's sleep will do you wonders.You will feel much better in the morning!!
The weather doesn't look too good for tomorrow.
But,they say it will get a little better in the afternoon.
I will finish off tonight,by saying goodnight to all who posted an answer on my thread.
So,night night all.
I'm off now to my cosy bed.I'm going to have a read before I hit the pillow.