I arrived back last night, to a VERY excited cat..lol She was headbutting the window as I was trying to come in! Bless!
Italy was wonderful. I spent 2 days in Rome, and went to an Irish pub on the last night, where I met a bunch of guys from Belfast...lol Then went to Naples, walked round a bit and met my friend who was getting married. I hadn't seen her or her family for 12 years! She got married on thursday in the most beautiful resort near Pompei, to her next door neighbour, whom I also knew from way back! It has been a week of non-stop family gatherings, eating gorgeous food, and catching up with old mates. Quite emotional! :O) How has YOUR week been? xxx
Thanks Sachs! Yes, it was great, so different from my usual life! lol I brought back lots of goodies too, and I had to buy another suitcase there to carry them! lol
thanks Dot! It did get a bit tiring though, when I had to explain to the 10th elderly relative, that yes, I'm French, but I live in Ireland, so YES, I speak French, but speak English too. And Italian (was struggling a bit there! ). And no, I'm not married, but that doesn't mean I'm weird. PMSL!!!
I meant relatives of her family, Boo! I met her 15 years ago when I went on a "twin city" thing near Naples, and we became friends so I kept going to hers every summer for 3/4 years. That's how I met all her family. :O)
Talk about a clash of cultures!
My friend is 30, and has been engaged to her now husband for 8 years, but was still living at her parents until the day after the wedding! They bought a flat together, and only moved in on Friday. She's never lived alone, let alone with a man! lol
:O) It was wonderful seeing her and him so happy!
Thanks BM! I can't wait to go back now. It was soooooo warm too! I got fantastic pics of Rome, will post them on Fb when I get batteries for my camera. lol
Another funny bit was this morning, when I heard the door open and someone come in! lol
My neighbour who was looking after my cat had to go away, so he gave my keys to another neighbour so he could feed Jessie, but had neglected to tell him I was coming back last night! lol
The poor guy (and I) got a right fright! :O)
Terrific part of the country, Pompei, I stayed at the Hotel Diana earlier this summer, great place, great people. Sounds like you had an excelent time -max-