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What do you most look forward to

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haysi06 | 23:01 Mon 06th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
when you come home from hols/time away?

Keep it clean LOL

I really missed my own bed, and wee Mindy (pup) who shared said bed last night!


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Definately my own bed and my own surroundings. There's no place like home !
Hahaha..actually -I had such a good time in the REEF....I am really looking forward to going back in March. There is not much that I missed here-lol
So....I am going on the AB reunion going??...should be a hoot.
Apart from my loved ones - my own bed (or ours) & a cup of Sainsury's Red Label tea.

Bless this house!
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Hi Jillius, yes I agree with you I am a bit of a homebuddy but travel about a lot.

Hi pastafreak, the reef as in Teneriffeey? I used to frequent Las Americas many moons ago, loved it. AB Reunion? Haven't heard of that LOL, have fun :)
A bacon butty and a proper cuppa tea.
We go to Tunisia every year(5th year this year).

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smudge, I love a nice strong cup of decaf! It never tastes the same abroad but I do like a cafe con leche ;)

PQ, we found a great wee cafe that did the BEST bacon sarnie, real thick back bacon with real butter, yum! diet starts tomorrow....again LOL

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