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cazxx1 | 16:19 Tue 07th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
hi all how do i make words bigger so i can see them....its an age thing x


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wear glasses?
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ok there is always 1
what do you mean??? How else apart from a magnifying glass could you make letters easier to see? I resent the implication that i gave an inapropriate answer, I never do that (lol)
Hi, cazxx1. I'm assuming that you mean words on the computer screen. Hold down the 'Ctrl' button and turn the wheel on your mouse in order to make the print larger or smaller: I learned that from Ethel.
If you mean the text on a website, just press and hold the CTRL key and press the + key till you get the desired size.
ahhhh, I didnl;t read the 'on the computer screen' bit in the question, sorry, maybe I need glasses too!!
Hi, dot. I put me specs on and read between the lines:)
Yep, holding down Ctrl and wiggling the mouse wheel works for me.

That will change the webpage you are looking at. If you want to change the font on your desktop

Start - control panel - appearance and themes - display - apperance

You can change the font size there too
If you are having real difficulties and have XP:

Start - all programs - accessories - accessibility - magnifier
Start - All Programs - Nancy Drew - Secret of the Old Clock

Question Author
yes but i need it on all the computer

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