I am trying to find some wine glasses, that I have seen in a restaurant in Barcelona.
They are like wine glasses, but without the stems, BUT they don't sit straight up on the table, so to speak. They are at an angle.
Hope this makes sense, hope someone can help me find some.
No they are the correct shape but they sit at an angle on the table. So have a sort of flat part on the side at the bottom.
Sorry, it's really difficult to describe them.
I think you mean something like these: https://www.urbanbar.com/en/1/ub87.mxs?SI=a4a6d91b74c81378b8962d7870a096e6
I've been trying to find them too since I first saw them in Thailand last year!
Hi, thanks.
They don't sit upright on the table, they are at an angle.
I have found lots of stemless ones but just can't seem to find the exact ones I am looking for. Which is very frustrating as I know they are out there somewhere.