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Postdog | 14:04 Fri 10th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Worried about winning the lottery because you'd have to spend it it all PDQ in case the banks collapse?


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Paddy won six million on the national lottery...

Camelot rang him to say they were a bit short of funds, so would he accept three million this week and three million next week...

Paddy replied ''look, if your'e going to fcuk me about, i'll have my pound back''.
not thought about having to spend it quickly, just off now to make my "spend fast l"ist so i will be ready.
We won �10 on Saturday - that wasn't going in the bank!
No....I'm not worried about winning the lottery....and I could spend it pretty damn quick too......
I'll keep my winnings under my bed
I would insist that Camelot pays me in cash.

But I wouldn't worry too much.

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