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bmi and life insurance policies

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thingummyjig | 20:08 Fri 10th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I think its totally wrong that insurance companies can set rates depending on your bmi being over a certain number; I'm (obviously) overweight but fitter than many of my 'thin' friends so why should i be penalised for this; I've never had health concerns, and would be much less of a risk than somebody who has had an eating disorder like anorexia, which can leave people with long lasting health issues. How can they justify this?


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bmi is not accurate
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exactly! its a con by insurance companies!
they will do it to smokers, drinkers.people with a family history of illness, its all about making money
but that's what businnesses do, cazzz
Surely they base their rates on statistics.

You may be fitter than your thin friends, but statistically if you are overweight you are more likely to have health problems in the future.
BMI is codswallop.

Many of our top rugby players are morbidly obese by BMI.

You can get two people of same height and weight - one will be a couch potato grossly overweight, and the other will be a super fit very muscular athlete.

Yes, I am aware that muscles alone do not equate to good health, but I did say 'athlete'.

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