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Is it just me . . . ?

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DebsyDoo | 23:05 Sat 11th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Does anyone else hate that so-called "music" that plays on SKY when you're looking on the menu for summat half decent to watch ?


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yes it's irritatingly annoying but if you don;t hear the music you know your signal has died ans so it does have a purpose
Do you have a mute button?
Yes i think it might be

D T H?�'
i was thinking the same the other day .i hate it
I love that music they play when there is a technical problem on sky!!!

I think they play it on FOX news during the ad breaks
I don't mind it but would rather they play whatever channel it was on while you were looking.

Had it reinstalled in my flat earlier but there's some mix up with the card so still waiting for the channels to let me view them and so I can set my Sky plus recordings up.
if you choose 'services', then 'system setup', then 'sound settings', you can turn the background music off!
Yea I know what you mean but sometimes I find it quite soothing it makes a change from te music that they play to us in the asylum
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Auntflo - my saviour ! I'm gonna do it now, before I end up in the nut house with Sir.Nobby !!
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Brilliant !!!!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou !!
you're welcome!

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Is it just me . . . ?

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