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Whats going on in hong kong?

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king_arthur | 08:54 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Good morning.

I have noticed recently a lot of usernames which have overseas ISP's, all of legeds and netibza originate is spain, but there are some horrid ones which all have isp originating in hong-kong. They include, fanny licker, lung cancwer, lungy, and one which was about a dead baby!!!!

Why is this allowed to happen? I assume its all one user so cant the editorial team ban all isp from hong kong?


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Users are unable to get other users IP addresses from this website.
tell us how you came across AB members IPs please..
Question Author
i have freinds in high places, i can only access the country of origin nothing else
He doesn't know the ISP of any user but himself.

The syntax and grammar of the post are strangely familiar.

Banning all ISPs from one rather large, extremely populated location is a bizarre suggestion,
I thought it was just an excuse to create a troublemaking thread.

Dyslexia is a bit of a give away sometimes :)
I don't believe you can know the ISP addresses of anyone on here .
The dead baby username is from leicester not hong kong.

D T H ?�?
this is just an excuse to write filthy names on the site, what did u report it as cazzzz? As ethel says, we should all select the saem report option to get it removed quickly
I reported it as "imposter"

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look out folks - the Peggy Gimp has landed!!!!!!!!!
well it's deffo not King Arthur and so fair enough, reported as imposter lol
he may not be an imposter, check to see if his isp is from avalon

The disappearance or death of King Arthur is of the intriguing Arthurian legends . In some accounts, King Arthur was taken to the Isle of Avalon to be healed, and what happened to him after reaching the island is a mystery. Some say he lies in a cave awaiting the day he is needed again by his country, others say King Arthur he died at Avalon. Apart from the somewhat dubious claim by the monks at Glastonbury to have found King Arthur's grave in the Middle Ages, no real evidence has emerged for an Arthurian grave.

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Well, according to local lore, and a couple of drunk investigators, Arthur is lying-in-wait in a cave in the middle of a tump about 2 miles from where I live. Not heard of any unusual activity from that area today but I`ll check it out tomorrow.

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Whats going on in hong kong?

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