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How do you deal with noisy neighbors???

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maddona66 | 22:01 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Last night they were up until "7:30" in the morning, shouting, partying, etc.
If it was two or three in the morning, not a problem with and let live etc....but this is getting ridiculous.
Council properties (mine and theirs) complained b4 but nothing done. I have kids that were awake allnight and the local council do diddly sh!t
Any help appriciated!


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A big shotgun
Selfish b@stards... burn their house down.
not even 2 or 3 u have to put up with . selfish f u *K .the council have to do some thing ..they cant let them be like that
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do really noisy stuff at 8am and make sure it wakes them up. cut the grass or.. oh, tip of the police so there's an early morning drugs raid!
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Easiest solution is to ask for an invite to the party next time.

Job done .

D T H?�
Do the vacuuming and get the lawnmower going. Then go out, leaving the radio on very, very loud. Heavy rock music preferably. Make sure you stay out all day. If they complain you know what to say.
Are they doing this every night? I had a problem with my neighbour a few years back. She used to play extremely loud music til 3 or 4 in the morning. One time it went on till 6. This went on for nearly a year until the Environmental Health Officers gathered enough evidence for the Council to take them to court.

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