daily junk email in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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daily junk email

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joggerjayne | 20:47 Mon 13th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I get them each day ... a whole stack of junk emails.

But all the offers are things for guys ...

... dodgy viagra from pharmacies in Azerbaijan

... increase the volume that you ejaculate by 500% (!)

... increase your girth

... increase your length


Are they any emails like this that apply to girls ?

Not that I need anything, but it all seems a bit one-sided.

Oh, I've just sent off my cheque to a nice man in Nigeria. All he wanted was �10,000, and apparently he's going to transfer $25,000,000 to my bank account. Wooo Hoooo.
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yes, Jayne. I also get ones that say, "you need a big c*ck", so I guess that's one for the girls?
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Hiya, sassy x
Ahem . . If "it all seems a bit one-sided", I hope that you receive an offer for breast enhancement ;-)
LOL @ Chris
If "it all seems a bit one-sided", I hope that you receive an offer for breast enhancement ;-)

..... but wouldn't that be for men as well, though?
helloooooooooooooooo :o)
if anyone gets the breast enhancement email, can you forward it to me please?

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Actually, buenchico, now you come to mention it ... I have had a few of those.

I think the curious one is "increase the amount you (you know ...) by 500%". Does it actually work ? Surely for that, a guy needs to have a higher liquid intake ... like, drink lots of water ?

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sara3@answerbank.co.uk ?
I'll get me brolly...
Well, for some strange reason (possibly my broadband supplier's filtering system) I don't get rubbish like this. I've had a few junk emails (from banks) which were obviously junk and I've reported them as spam... no more than 10 in total over the three years I've been with AOL... which probably says more about AOL filtering than anything else. Also, I've never really had any problems with connections or upload/download speeds. Why do people slag off AOL anyway ?
Your question 'Does it actually work?' seems to imply that you think I've tried it!

Sorry, I never drink a large amount of water. All I know is that drinking a large amount of beer tends to have the opposite effect ;-)
I'm more worried why anybody would want to "increase the amount you (you know ...) by 500%"

I pretty sure not many women are looking for a fire hydrant!
Hey jayne,
was that nice mans name MORGAN TENNAPPA ?
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LOL guys.

I was just interested. I mean, girls talk very openly about sex things (when we're together).

I'm not sure that guys are quite so open. For instance, would a guy say to his mates "I've been trying some of those pills that make you c u m huge amounts, and they really work/don't really work" (as appropriate).

Mate replies "Yeah, well I just drink four pints of water each night".

1st guy says "Blimey mate, aren't you going to the loo all night?"

Oh, Jayne, stop rambling
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logic ... is Morgan Tennappa you, in disguise ?
Hi JJ...I was getting loads of them up until a month or so ago...and they all came from an American addy ( I blame the E-greeting I sent)

They all seemed to disappear when I installed a load of new Windows updates...shame ----I will miss the "Bored Housewife Dating Service-Warning!!!!:Explicit Content !!!!"...lol
NO jayne.
It's just that I had one of those letters via SKYPE,
and that was his name. claimed to be the manager of some international bank in Nigeria.
wondered if it was the same bloke.
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It was the original scam, logic

but bizarrely, they still appear from timr=e to time.

I guess people must still occasionally fall for it (surely not?)
I delete most of the email junk that I receive.
Although,some of them should have a link in which you can stop receiving their usual junk that you get.

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