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chicho,bird2 | 14:14 Wed 15th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
for the card

it arrived this morning


monty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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ya nutter

peace and love peace and love peace and love peace and love !
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p*ss on you man

too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

how are you today xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How is the wee man ?

^^^^^^ -that was to Monty Leg just in case there was any doubt :)
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wee man

cant wait to get my hands and arms round him in 2 weeks time

im so busy this wek and next

as h goes to blackpool on monday
got his packing to do
then my packing the folling week
plus in every day at work
till then

plus my house work


booked for the reef too march 7 th with me mate xx
� 2.40 pound

11 days self catering
as my abode is been used that week xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Question Author
letter in post to you as well xxxxxxxx

Aw bless Monty -just happy to see you so happy hun and also to hear ya so happy -wish it was my turn lol xxxxxxxxxx

Daresay you'll be leading a quiet life when H is away then lol

O you have a mega hectic schedule as well -ive got Reykayjvik on the 30th -my birthday party in November and also a night in the Caledonian Hotel from my son for said birthday and then off to Spain for Christmas -phew can hardly believe it.All good !!!

Catch ya soon hun xxxx

On the downside -I still have the painting to finish -today- and then the kitchen getting cleaned top to bottom -60 minute makeover my arse lol

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