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squeak squeak POP for the last time ...

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joggerjayne | 19:08 Wed 15th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
... until Monday.

Who needs filling up ?



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Jayne thats 5 DAYS AWAY.

What has happened to you - am very worried!!
you do. :-)
Question Author
Logic ... thank you darling, and you're right.

Sally ... what's happened to me ? Nothing (I hope!)

I'm fine !!!!!

You said last time till Monday - that made me think no more wine till then!!?? Paniced for you!!
Question Author
Aww, thank you Sally. But it's okay. It's just that tomorrow, I'm going to Portugal for a few days with the girls (well, those of the girls who've managed to get another "Get Out Of Jail Free" card).

I'm taking the lappy, but that's just in case I get any big contracts through. Big as in ... here's a stack of money, go and retire to the Canaries, and buy a share in Leggy's shop.

I think that if I'm caught sitting on AB, I will be subjected to abuse and derision from a load of p*ssed girls.
Phew thats ok I can go to my Body Sculpt class with an easy ind knowing you are ok!!

Have a great time and lots of fun and naughty frolics!!

PS my daughter is thining of going to Brighton Uni next year!
Question Author
Oh, sal, she will just have the best time if she does. The student scene here is brill.
I will have a glass of wine with you jayne and I can then wish you a lovely break in Portugal. I loved the 2 holidays I had there and I envy you
If you see the mccanns there kick gerry a swift one in the gonads jayne
Question Author
Cheers, bensmum.

Leggy ... not going to the Algarve. Going for a City Break in Lisbon.

And maybe just a teensy weensy visit (or two) to Estoril ... and the biggest Casino in Europe.

Oh yeah ... I'm gonna whup their butts !!!!!!!

Blackjack Jayne is coming to get you guys !!!!

Wooo Hoooooo
oh, you lucky girlie! have a fabby time and enjoy the casino. I went to Estoril a long while back and remember seeing it.

hope the sun shines for you :o)

now pour!
Question Author
Hi Sassy.

How's my favourite Hertfordshirean tonight ?

I can't wait to go to the Casino at Estoril. You'd think that the biggest one in Europe would be somawhere like Monte Carlo ... but no.

It's just waiting there, for me to come and take every last Euro they've got.


Here ... have a big one ... glug glug glug

JJ - you're turning yourself & me into an alcoholic!!! lol
Oh go on then, I'll have a nice cold shandy please
Question Author
puff, puff,puff ...

Sorry jack daniels, I had to dash out for some lemonade.
I'm sure you'll take them to the cleaners!

all's well with me, thanks. presentation in Kensington today, court tomorrow so time out from the very horrid Peter.

how are you? I'm curious about your line of work, but I'm sure you're not going to tell all on here... are you??!
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I don't sell drugs, or anything sara.

Actually, if I did, I'd have retired already.

It's nothing so exciting. I do marketing placements.Say you were launching your own line of pants ("Sara's Sexy Thongs") and you wanted maximum market exposure, you'd send me all your stuff, images and information, and I'd design your package (so to speak) and then try to place your promotion in the best profile media.

Instead of fashion houses paying huge sums to employ full time design and promotion consultants, they just use me, as and when they need to. And I've been lucky enough to make a reasonable living out of it.
wow, that sounds interesting.. I'm envious ;o)

seriously, it must be great to be self-employed, doing something you obviously enjoy and are good at. good for you!
PS - I'm sending my pants to you ;o)
do you do soiled panties JJ
Question Author
It's really not as glam as it sounds, sara. It's stacks of paperwork, lots of meetings, and the occasional pay day.

But ... I do get the odd job that pays pretty, well, so I'm very lucky.

Mind you, I'm still waiting for Elle Macpherson to commission me to launch her new range in Vogue.

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