o.k guys heres one for you ive been offered 18000 redundancy do i take it i still have mortgage or do i stay risking losing that and going with just normal redundancy if it goes bump?
Oh markh , sorry to hear that , you must be upset at the thought of having to find alternative work if you accept the redundancy . It's a tough decision for you . There seems to be a wave of companies and places handing their staff redundancy packages , it's hard to see how that's going to help anyone .
Before you accept, best check what benefits and entitlements you will be entitled to, also your insurance policies for the mortgage etc - you don't want to take the money only to find doing so stops you getting other things.
What kind of thing do you do and do you want to do a similar thing?
Loads of conveyancers out there about the moment who have been made redundant and so little chance of them getting another decent job in the same field any time soon.
A couple of old workmates have taken voluntary redundancy though as they fancy doing something else.
Can you estimate how long it might take you to get another job which will cover all expenses it needs to and realistically how long the money would last you as an absolute maximum time limit.
Could it be there is a market dip which means you have a chance of getting your job back if things go on the up again?