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Flowers for Daniela

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MsEVP | 17:20 Fri 17th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
From Di in Oz:

Just click on it anywhere as often as you like and make your own garden.


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Gosh!!....Thanks Tina xxxx

That's really great!

Did they have the rain then?
Question Author
Yeah, good one. Altho, sorry, they didn`t.

But it IS a good garden, it`s the best I`ve seen.
I am really pleased with the flower garden....
Thank-you again.
I have put it on my favourites, and will look at it every day.

Love to you
Question Author
Hooray, somethings cheered daniela up.

flowerpower n all that.
Hey Tina that's lovely!

Hope Daniela doesn't mind if I nick a patch for meself.x
Just shows logic that someone loves
Question Author
Mrs C, Logic; entre nous, why was D. not so happy? (whispering)
Hi mrs. c.
have you tried the link? It's great!
A lot of planning went into that.
make yourself a's fun.
Question Author
gosh, love is all around.......

Probably havent been reading your posts for the last few days, :-)
I've got to go now.....but anyone who wants some flowers....have a go at the link. It's FAB!

bye Tina.
Yeah, I've just tried it dan, and it's great!

BTW, have ya been feeling down or summat lass?
How do they grow in the dark? Aint they not never heard of photosynthesis?

I'm only joshing, it a lovely gesture.
Question Author
I gotta go get Richard some tea. Back to check posts later. bye x
je'hn se pah, ?

oh damn Iv'e forgot how to say it now, in french
the answer is i don't know, but she's been very ratty of late, wich ,i must add ,is not like her,, :-)
Question Author
Doesn`t matter how you spell it, Logic, it`s the communicating that counts. (one of the things I learned while living in America)
Aww...That's lovely MsEVP.

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