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amputees in liverpool...?

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joko | 17:55 Sun 19th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
over the last week or so, i have seen around 6 amputees in liverpool... my friend also commented that he'd seen a few too... usually don't really see any (though obviously they're around)

so, i just wondered if there was a conference or something happening in the city regarding amputees...something for the capital of culture perhaps...?



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I met a few thickys around Croydon the other day. Wonder if there was a thicky convention going on.
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lol could be could be
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seriously though, seeing 6-7 in about 2 days is unusual for me anyway... 3 on tuesday in the space of about an hour and about 4 yesteday over about 2 hours...

it doesnt matter at all, i was just curious...
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an all around the town centre
hi joko
don't most amputees have artificial limbs? I am confused as to why you moticed they were amputees.

Some crack users have had leg amputations due repeated shooting up in their legs, i am not suggesting there was a crack users convention that would be in bad taste
Crack convention! Lol Dot.
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lol dot... well exactly why i noticed really - none of them did... and thats why it seemed unusual... a couple of them had crutches... one woman was putting her bags over her arm which had no hand... so it was up in the air....and 3 of them were in the krazy house last night dancing away - but with various limbs missing...and with sticks etc....

as i say my pal also said hed noticed one or two as well... it was him mentioning it that made me realise i'd noticed 2 that day already in the hour before i saw him ...and we both saw another which set off the conversation...

just seemed a lot you know?... though i probably see all the time but don;'t take any notice...

i know there are amputee clubs and societies and amputee sporting clubs and event, so thought maybe it was something like that...

last year there was a 'britsh amputee spring meeting' in liverpool
Maybe a special clinic on or something or conference or meet up, strange to see so many though!

Had a quick google but didn't come up with anything.

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amputees in liverpool...?

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