I will shortly be getting a new digital aerial and my question is this. I have aerial sockets in several rooms via a booster and splitter, the cables being buried and I would like to know if there is a difference in the type of cable used for digital TV or will my old cables be OK?
If they are proper co ax they will be fine, only problem I have found is some wall sockets can be a bit troublsome but if they are ok with terrestial then they should be fine for digi. When you get the new aerial make sure it is a high gain one, they only cost a few pounds more but make a big difference on reception quality. The problem with digi is you need a strong siganl all the time otherwise you will get pixellation of the picture and boxes locking up.
I moved into a house recently with a sky satellite dish on the rear wall , I didn't want sky or anything else owing to my Sony tv having built in freeview so I bought a digital aerial that I intended to fit on the chimney.The dish cable ran up and over the roof and down the front wall of the property so there was plenty of it.
I found that the dish cable was indentical to ordinary tv co-axial aerial cable so I used this.If its any good for you I bought a digital aerial from screwfix and it was less than �25 and I have a perfect picture and reception .Hope this info is of use to you.
eastern & jigman thanks very much for your answers, the sockets all work with the ordinary TV it's just that I didn't want to have to start mucking about if I could help it as we've only just redecorated.
Sorry to disagree vehelpfulguy but there are old type terrestial aerials that will not pick up the full spectrum of digital, you will then have to buy a new digital compatible aerial and hey presto you get all the digi channels.